Travel Risk Monitor™

Employee mobility and facilities control

Welcome to the forefront of employee safety and security with ACK3 Travel Risk Monitor™, the world’s leading platform for managing employee safety, facilities control, and risks wherever they may be.

What is the ACK3 Travel Risk Monitor?

The ACK3 Travel Risk Monitor (TRM) is a cutting-edge platform designed to manage and mitigate risks associated with employee travel. It provides organizations with comprehensive tools and features to monitor employee locations, assess potential risks, and communicate vital information in real-time.

Our TRM integrates advanced technology with global security databases to offer organizations a centralized hub for ensuring the safety and security of their employees, no matter where they are in the world.

How does your company ensure Duty of Care in the global mobility of your employees?

Are you aware of the security situation in the areas where your expatriates work? TRM platform supports organizations to fulfill their Duty of Care obligations, particularly in managing the safety and security of employees working abroad.

Some screenshots from the TRM user perspective

Web platform for corporate security

Alerts delivered via email, SMS, or mobile app notification.

Proactively analyze 8 different types of risks:

  1. Crime;
  2. Environment and Health;
  3. Insurgency, Guerrilla and Civil Warfare;
  4. Infraestructure;
  5. International Relations;
  6. Kidnap, Ransom, Extortion and Piracy;
  7. Political Risk;
  8. Terrorism.

Key features

  • Comprehensive platform: It offers a complete technical platform for managing employee safety and risks, featuring an independent and open technological infrastructure.
  • Integration: Collaborate seamlessly with medical and security assistance partners while easily integrating with your existing suppliers and systems.

It offers functionalities such as event monitoring, risk assessment, multichannel communication, data analysis, location tracking, and integration with travel management systems.


  1. Event monitoring: Stay informed with real-time event alerts and warnings.
  2. Risk assessment database: Access country risk assessments data.
  3. Multichannel communication: Communicate with employees through various channels.
  4. Data analysis: Analyze data, automate processes, and generate reports.
  5. Location tracking: Track current locations, utilize GPS, and access emergency functions.
  6. Integration: Integrate with travel management companies and reservation.
  7. Training: Provide e-learning courses for employees on related topics.


  • Enhanced safety: Keep track of employee locations, communicate relevant information, and assist in making informed decisions.
  • Ease of use: Enjoy high usability with a user-friendly interface and comprehensive system overview.
  • Data security: Ensure compliance with GDPR and CCPA regulations, with data stored within the EU and hosted by trusted providers.
  • Scalability: Scale the platform to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to multinational corporations.
  • Customization: Tailor the platform to your specific requirements with customizable modules and features.

Platform components

  • Web portal: Gain real-time insights into essential security data through a single access point.
  • Mobile application: Access security features and receive alerts on the go, including emergency assistance.

With our travel monitor technology, organizations can proactively identify and respond to potential threats, provide timely assistance to employees in emergencies, and maintain compliance with data security regulations. It is a versatile solution suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries, offering scalability, customization, and ease of use.

Track automatic alerts for employees and facilities

  • Add your company facilities and connected people.

  • Automate alerts based on the location of your company facilities.

  • Allow all employees to be notified of the incident and confirm their status.

ACK3 Travel Risk Monitor is not just a platform; it’s your partner in ensuring the safety and security of your employees wherever they go. You can travel with confidence, knowing that you have a comprehensive solution to manage risks and keep your employees safe.

Why choose ACK3 Travel Risk Monitor?

  1. High usability: Enjoy the highest user adoption rate in the market.
  2. Data security: Trusted by multinational corporations for data security.
  3. Privacy: Flexible privacy settings build trust among employees.
  4. Cost-effective: Scalable pricing model to suit your organization’s needs.
  5. Integrations: Easily integrate with third-party systems and APIs.
  6. Vendor agnostic: Choose from a range of providers or add your own.
  7. Onboarding support: Proven onboarding process with dedicated support.
Unique value propositions
  • Location-based alerts: Relevant alerts of current and future locations.
  • Custom content: Deliver personalized content to employees based on their travel destinations and risk levels.
  • Global partner network: Access a global network of partners for additional services.
  • Security analysis: Benefit from ACK3’s powerful analysis department for strategic security insights.

In essence, the ACK3 Travel Risk Monitor is more than just a platform; it’s a comprehensive risk management solution that empowers organizations to protect their most valuable assets—their employees—during travel and beyond.

Curious about the world's state?

Explore the Global Risk Map 2024!


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