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What is a Pegasus-proof secure phone?
Pegasus-proof secure phone? Protection against advanced espionage targeting communications and data, ensuring security at every layer.
What is a SERE training?
The SERE training teaches survival, evasion, resistance, and escape skills. Essential skills for military and high-risk professionals.
Satellite phones: Iridium, Inmarsat y Thuraya
Satellite phones enable global communication: Iridium, Inmarsat, and Thuraya offer distinct services compared to terrestrial technology.
Strategic Meetings: What is the Chatham House Rule?
The Chatham House Rule fosters discussions in strategic meetings, allowing the use of information without revealing identities.
What is a Managed security services providers (MSSP)?
Managed security services providers (MSSP) offer cybersecurity management, threat detection, and regulatory compliance. gestión de intrusiones y cumplimiento.
What is military PTSD?
PTSD is a mental disorder that affects many military personnel: symptoms, causes, and how to cope with post-traumatic stress with effective tactics.
Compulsory military service in Europe: Trends
Reinstatement of compulsory military service in Europe: national security, improvement in cybersecurity and logistics, and opportunities for youth.
Invest in data to save your business tomorrow?
Discover how strategic intelligence can transform risks into competitive advantages and save your business tomorrow.
CPTED? Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
What is CPTED? It represents the principles to create secure, vibrant spaces by optimizing visibility, access control, and natural surveillance.
Unthinkable-safe? Unleash resilience with crisis simulation
Boost organizational resilience against the unthinkable with effective crisis simulation. Prepare, protect, and prevail with strategic training.
The new Due Diligence era: Insightful foresight
Evolving due diligence integrates a strategic framework with analytical insights and predictive analytics for navigating modern business.
The upcoming global hybrid multidomain SOC
The global hybrid multidomain SOC drives comprehensive security and risk management with international intelligence and multidisciplinary system.